Sustain-ability: ECOGRAPE services

Organic and Biodynamic Viticulture and horticulture

Ecogrape specialises in organic and biodynamic viticulture and horticulture. We provide New Zealand farming consultancy. We deliver advice on organic/biodynamic soil, plant and animal husbandry and health management.

Homeopathy for plants and animals

Use our expertise with homeopathy for plants and animals. Order botanical and biochemical plant health products for use on organic, biodynamic and integrated farming systems.

Talk to Andreas about Ecogrape’s services and products, such as ecological soil test, management and machinery for organic, biodynamic and integrated farming systems.

Neemazal Stock Level Advice

We are currently out of stock of NeemAzal-T/S and shall receive new product by the end of March 2025.

Welcome my friends, who join in working for this planet.

Ask yourself what is correct ethically and aesthetically, and then what is useful economically; something is right if it helps to preserve the integrity, the stability and the beauty of the ecological community.

Aldo Leopold.

Neil Hodgson Article

Neil Hodgson is a member of the Wine Writers of New Zealand, writes a wine column for the Nelson Mail and also contributes to Admire Magazine, The Leader and New Zealand WineGrower Magazine.

Neil Hodgson on biodynamic growing practices


Ecogrape products and services:

  • Planning and Implementation assistance for sustain-able, organic/biodynamic agriculture systems
  • Comprehensive, ecologically integrated, and site-specific programmes for yield enhancement, plant health, and habitat management
  • Supply of Eco-friendly Agro-inputs, accepted by BIO-GRO, IFOAM and IPM standards, registered NZFSA, and;
  • EC 2092/91 regulation
  • Biological/Ecological plant protection programmes. Botanical pest management with a variety of plant health promoters which induce resistance to pathogens.
  • Looking for Organic Neem Oil ? NeemAzal-T/S is a second generation and superior Neem product  based on a patented extraction process where only the active compounds are extracted from the kernels and the oil free extract is formulated with a neutral organic vegetable oil which is free of Aflatoxin and solvent residues. NeemAzal-T/S is NOT a Neem oil.
  • ESTA Soil Test: An extended soil test with 14 determinants which covers facts and provides insight on physical, chemical, environmental and BIOLOGICAL aspects of your soil in terms of cation exchange capacity, humus quantity and quality, soil structure and soil fertility.
  • Farm Homeopathy: Homeopathic healthcare of farm animals offers worming tonics, lice, tick and blowfly deterrants and is a safe way of healing without side effects, addictions or withholding periods.
  • Plant Homeopathy: Use of homeopathy for your vegetables, flowers, fruit and crops

Click here for our order form.

Plant HomeopathyPlant Homeopathy

Plant Homeopathy

Based on classical homeopathic principles, we offer advice on homeopathic treatment

Read On ...
Soil Cultivation, ESTA Tests, Spade Machine CultivatorSoil Cultivation, ESTA Tests, Spade Machine Cultivator

Soil Cultivation

ESTA Soil Tests and analysis and Soil Management using the Spade Machine.

Find out more
