OLD (pre feb 2019) products page
Click here for our BioGro Certificate of Compliance Certificate
SM 6 Organic seaweed extract
Top grade liquid seaweed extract product, BioGro certified, containing more than 60 nutrients, trace elements, chelating agents, vitamins and natural plant growth stimulants.
NeemAzal-T/S – Botanical Insecticide
NeemAzal is a naturally based anti-feeding insecticide, BioGro certified #433. It leads to feeding inhibition and to moulting, and a reduction in fecundity and breeding ability. NeemAzal-T/S controls a wide range of plant pests without harming beneficial insects. Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act, No. P5412.
OICOMB (Oil combination) – plant health promoter
OICOMB (Oil combination) Oicomb is a biological composition of plant health enhancing agents with components A & B, which help to induce resistance to fungal diseases.
Biological restorative for plants with plant health promoting effects in pip fruit, stone fruit and grape. Improves uptake of nutrients and increases the biological soil activity. Hardens the epidermis and cuticula of the canopy. Induces resistance to pathogens.
Biological restorative with plant health promoting effects in pip fruit, stone fruit and grape. Improves uptake of nutrients and increases the biological soil activity. Hardens the epidermis and cuticula of the canopy. Induces resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.
Organo-N vinasse – liquid plant health and growth promoter, and post-harvest sanitiser
A liquid plant health and growth promoter nourishing crops with a plant based fertiliser of processed sugar beet. BioGro certified #433 (non US use).
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NEW spring release – Equisetum Plus
Biochemical SiO2 plant health promoter High in silica + silicon dioxide 90% – affinity for absorbing and transmitting light.
Farm Homeopathy
Composed for beef and cattle, sheep, goats, horses, deer and poultry. Their basic ingredients are homeopathic remedies which alter the condition/atmosphere of the intestine.
ESTA Soil Test
Extended Soil Test Analysis – comprehends and assesses the soil with 14 determinants, instead of a quick test’s 4 or 5.
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Plant Homeopathy
Based on classical homeopathic principles, we offer advice on homeopathic treatment
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Soil Cultivation
ESTA Soil Tests and analysis and Soil Management using the Spade Machine.
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